Ronaldo to renew his contract with Manchester United.

In the summer, the Portuguese player joined the Red Devils, and he will be able to stay with the team. The club is in the middle of a crisis, and the situation in the transfer market is quite difficult.
The player’s contract will end in 2021, so he will not be able do the club any harm. In order to have a good result in the future, it is necessary to do a lot of work.

The transfer of the player has already begun, and it is possible that the club will buy another player, too. The Red Devils need to strengthen the positions of the main players, and this is why they will make a number of transfers.
Main Transfer Targets
The club has a number players who are able to become the main transfer targets for the Red devils.
1. De Gea. The Spanish goalkeeper is a good goalkeeper, but he is not able to play in the Premier League. The goalkeeper will be replaced by a young goalkeeper, who will become a good replacement for the Spanish player.
2. Lichtsteiner. The Belgian midfielder is able to replace the goalkeeper, and will become the leader of the team in the next season.
3. Pogba. The Frenchman is a player who can become a leader of Manchester United, and can become the best player in the world.
4. Rashford. The England striker is able play in a number 1 position, and is able become the most important player of the club.
5. Herrera. The Spaniard is able replace the Belgian goalkeeper, because the club needs to strengthen its defense.
6. Martial. The player is able give a good performance in the team, and becomes a leader.
7. Valencia. The forward is able be a leader in the Spanish championship, and become a main transfer target for the club, too, because he is able improve the position of the Spanish team in Europe.
8. Carrasco. The Argentine player is a leader, and a good defender.
9. Sanchez. The Chilean player is also a good player, and also a leader for the team because of his good performance.
10. De Geay. The young player is the leader, because of the fact that he is a young player. The team needs to improve its position in the standings, and if it is able buy a good midfielder, it will be a good addition to the team and will be an excellent addition to its lineup.
Manchester United’ Transfer Prospects
The team is in a crisis and needs to do everything to improve the situation. The main transfer of this summer was the signing of the Portuguese midfielder. The Portuguese player is capable of becoming a leader and a main target for Manchester United in the near future.
Jose Mourinho’ transfer of Rashford was successful, because it was possible to buy a player for the price of the young player, who is able develop the team’ position.
However, the club is not in the best shape, and they need to do all they can to improve their position in order to become a contender for the title.
Will Manchester United Be Able to Win the Title?
The Red Devils are in a bad situation, and there is a high probability that they will not win the title this season. The players are not able play at 100%, and they have a lot to improve.
They need to improve in the following areas:
1) The defense. The defense of the Red Devil is not very good, and many of the players are unable to play.
Many of the leaders are unable play, because they have injuries.
This is a serious problem, because if the defense of Manchester is not good, then the team will not have a chance to win the championship.
It is also necessary to strengthen this position, because this is the main goal of the season. There are a number leaders, and their positions are not very high.
If the defense is not strong, then it will not allow the team to win, and then the club’ will not get a chance in the Champions League.
Also, it’ll be necessary to improve this position in general, because in the current season the team did not have good results, and now they are not in a good shape.
As for the attack, it was not very successful, and as a result, the team does not have the chance to get into the Champions league.
Team’ Goals
The main goal for the season is to get to the Champions Cup, and for this, the Red team needs a lot.
First of all, the main thing is to improve on the defense, because many of them are not good enough.
Secondly, it needs to be strengthened in the attack.
Thirdly, the goalkeeper needs to get better, because there are a lot problems with the goalkeeper.
Finally, it also needs to buy good players, because now the team has a lot, and not all of them can play. So, it has to buy players who can play in different positions, and improve the team position. This is the most difficult task for the Manchester United team, because even if they do not win, they can be a contender in the championship, because their main goal is to win.

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